132 - Tutorial: Thorin Oakenshield!
Mae govannen, mellon nín!
Welcome to another tutorial my friends. And finally, for the thirteenth (and last) dwarf we will paint the chief of our Company, Thorin Oakenshield himself.
Up until now these are the already painted dwarves:
Oin | Gloin | Fili | Kili | Bifur | Bofur | Bombur | Ori | Dori | Nori | Dwalin | Balin
Luckily, I managed to get two miniatures of Thorin, so I painted both Thorin with the Oakenshield and with the Orcrist (the sword discovered on the Trolls den, just like Gandald's Glamdring and Bilbo's Sting).
Who is Thorin Oakenshield?
Assembled and unprimed miniatures of Thorin Oakenshield (both poses). |
How to Paint Thorin Oakenshield?
II: Basecoat hair and beard with a black paint;
III: Highlight the hair and the beard with a deep grey (you can also wash the hair and the beard with a black tone. I didn't do it here, though);
IV: Basecoat the boots with a dark brown.
V: Highlight the boots with a leathery medium brown tone;
VI: Highlight the fur of the boots with a bone toned paint (try to pick the most prominent strands individually);
VII: Carefully basecoat the bootstraps with a deep grey paint;
VIII: Highlight the parts painted in the previous step with a light grey tone.
IX: For the under shirt I've used a pretty straightforward approach: white drybush first followed by a blue wash. This aims at providing a different tone of blue from the cloth about to be painted next;
X: Basecoat the tunic and the forearm guards with a strong blue colour;
XI: Basecoat the scabbard and the strap black;
XII: Basecoat the metal parts - sword, mail, oaken shield nails, boot tips and hair rings - with a dark silver.
XIII: Shade the tunic, forearm guards and metal parts with a black wash;
XIV: Highlight the tunic and forearm guards with a bright blue paint. You can go on gradually adding hints of white to the blue, and if you feel brave, try to add a few texture stripes to the guards and edges of the tunic;
XV: Basecoat the oaken shield with a bark toned brown; I have forgotten to take the next step photos, but I highlighted the shield with a middle brown (Citadel's XV-88) followed by a glaze of a thinned down brown wash;
XVI: Finally, highlight all the metal areas with a bright silver tone.
As mentioned previously, I also painted Thorin carrying Orcrist instead of the shield. For this one, you only have to follow the metal areas steps.
After all these steps, the miniature is ready to be varnished and to have its base finished.
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