80th post - Blog of the month, April!

Hello guys :) Well, it's been a while since my last post (few weeks I think). Now I'm back, and what better than the Blog of the Month?? This month I'll do a different approach. As you know, I usually post Lotr/hobbit themed blogs, but being most of my blogspot followers hobbyists from many diverse backgrounds, I've decided to post here all those blogs that I enjoy and follow with interest. Lets begin then: http://hobbyworker.blogspot.com http://samsminisworld.blogspot.com http://refight2013.blogspot.com http://riflemens.blogspot.com http://iseelittletinpeople.blogspot.com http://dwarfcrypt.blogspot.com http://fiendsinwaistcoats.blogspot.com http://wabcorner.blogspot.com http://latabernadehlout-wig.blogspot.com.com http://jdmlminiaturas.blogspot.com http://battleaxeps.blogspot.com http://www.oldenhammer.com http://therenaissancetroll.blogspot.com http://baconfatblog.blogspot.com http://28mmvictorianwarfare.blogspot.com And there they are...