71st post - Gorbag!

Gorbag is that orc from Minas Morgul that finds Frodo outside Shelob's lair and says: "This fellow ain't dead" - magic words... xD
He was killed by Shagrat (an Minas Morgul Uruk) and there isn't much more to say about him.


This model was painted about 2 weeks ago (along with the next one: Shagrat) with the purpose of entering the one ring's forum challenge of this month's (march).
I must say I'm glad with the final result and that it was another fun model to paint :)

I'll leave the photos now:

And that's all for today :)
Happy hobbying guys.



  1. Pouco mais haveria a dizer de Gorbag... mas poucos saberiam que, debaixo daquela aparência rude, repugnante e pérfida, batia um coração rude, repugnante e pérfido... ;) Excelente trabalho, Tiago, apanhaste-lhe a expressão e até a pele tem um ar oleoso e desagradável!! Dos dentes nem é bom falar... ehehehe Abraço!!

    1. Ahahahahah bem dito :)
      Muito obrigado Rogério :)


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