
Showing posts from August, 2014

41st post - Shopping!

Well, someone went shopping! This is just a small post before my finished Uruk-hai siege troops. GaleForce 9 - Winter/Dead static grass Citadel - Static Grass Citadel - Middenland Tufts Citadel - Plastic Glue Thin  Vallejo - Matte Varnish Citadel - Ironbreaker Citadel - Auric Armour Gold Citadel - Gehenna's Gold Vallejo - Old Gold Citadel - Stormvermin Fur Citadel - Dark Flesh Citadel - Kislev Flesh Vallejo - Basic Skintone

40th post - Faramir!

Nr 26: Faramir!!! Well, this one came with an extremely bent bow, but luckily I managed to fix it without damage :D

39th post - Samwise Gamgee!

Well, finally nr 25 is done!!! I think this might be my best painted mini until now :D

38th post - Orc Skin!

Hey guys, in this post I'll explain how i did the different types of orc skin on my Mordor orcs. It is actually a very simple process. The first thing I did, painting the skins, was basecoating all in Vallejo Deck Tan. Then I've just applied the washes, and it's finished. The skins are going to look like they're stained but thats exactly my goal. The result looks really cool for these orcs. I got all this washes from Vallejo so, there's infinite possibilities with them: And now, here are the different skin tones I got by mixing all these washes:  This one is a cool brownish green got thru the mixing of: 20% Blue Wash 20% Pale Grey Wash 30% Umber Wash 30% Green Wash  The mix for this one is: 60% Green Wash 30% Pale Grey Wash 10% Sepia Wash This one results from mixing: 40% Umber Wash 25% Sepia Wash 20% Pale Grey Wash 15% Green Wash And finally, this last one results from: 10% Pale Grey Wash 30% Fleshtone Wash ...

37th post - Orcs of Mordor!

Well, it's been a wile since my last post, but here is my freshly painted orcs of Mordor :) It's number 24: